Facebook Data Breach Could Mean Up to $1.63 Billion in Fines from the EU by BridgehouseLaw Staff On September 28, 2018, social media giant Facebook disclosed that it had discovered a cyber breach in its security which allowed hackers to access the information of approximately 50 million accounts. Of those 50 million accounts around 10…
Read MoreThe “Right to be Forgotten” (RTBF) is a landmark European ruling that establishes a right to privacy that governs and regulates how one can delist their personal information from online search results. Individuals can request that search engines, such as Google, delist URLS from across the Internet which contain “inaccurate, inadequate, irrelevant or excessive” information.…
Read MoreA program called Lyrebird promises to create a digital voice using your own voice, with just one minute of recording you. The startup company lists speech synthesis for people who have lost their voice as one of the possible applications of the program. The program, named after the Australian Lyrebird that is known for its ability to mimic…
Read MoreThe case involved whether a trademark owner should lose rights in instances when the trademark is frequently used as a verb such as in the phrase “Google it.” The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals found that “googled” may have become synonymous for Internet searching, but that does not mean that the company cannot protect its name.
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