Vor zwei Jahren trat das Gesetz zur Förderung der Transparenz von Entgeltstrukturen, das Entgelttransparenzgesetz (EntgTranspG), in Kraft. Das Gesetz soll die Lohngerechtigkeit nach dem Gebot ‘gleicher Lohn für gleiche oder gleichwertige Arbeit’ zwischen Frauen und Männer fördern, so zumindest nach den Vorstellungen des Gesetzgebers. In der Tat räumt das Gesetz den Arbeitnehmern einen wichtigen Anspruch…
Read MoreThe U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) reported that it was investigating the first ever instance of a crime committed in space. United States astronaut Anne McClain allegedly improperly accessed the bank account of her spouse, Summer Worden, from a computer registered to NASA while aboard the International Space Station (ISS). McClain denied the…
Read MoreIt is fall in the Southeast and for many of us that means hurricane season has arrived. Last week’s visit by Hurricane Dorian was a stark reminder of the impact that the weather can have on our businesses and day-to-day operations. Governors in the many of the southern states declared states of emergency and mandatory…
Read MoreFamily Protocol Book by members of the Bridge Alliance 2019 Bridge Alliance An international Alliance of law firms providing expertise which goes beyond legal service. Language, cultural background & vast networks make the difference!
Read MoreUpdate :Brexit: Großbritannien findet keine Ruhe By Andreas Bernstorff Noch immer beschäftigt der Brexit die EU. Allerdings ist inzwischen die Diskussion bei den Briten weniger auf die Inhalte, sondern auf Personalien beschränkt. Dabei rückt das Datum des Brexits am 31. Oktober immer näher. Somit wird im Folgenden ein Überblick über die wesentlichen Ereignisse der…
Read MoreHong Kong vs. China By Laetitia Arias Law clerk BridgehouseLaw LLP Mrs. Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive since 2017, started pushing a motion in February, that would allow extradition to mainland China to stand trial. The government considered the bill as being necessary because of a murder case that could only be tried in…
Read MoreIMPACTS OF THE BREXIT ON GERMANY By Samira Shakirova Law clerk BridgehouseLaw LLP According to research done by Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI), the economic development agency of Germany, Germany has experienced a substantial growth through foreign investment last year. 2062 companies opened up businesses in Germany last year, which is a growth of 8%…
Read MoreSocial Media Alert – New Regulation Requires Disclosure of Social Media Information on Most Visa Applications Effective immediately, the State Department has amended the DS-160 and DS-260 application forms and now requires that most visa applicants provide information associated with their online social media accounts, including the types of online providers or platforms, applications…
Read MoreA step in the right direction or a delay of the inevitable? –How a deferred proposal from the American Law Institute could impact your web browsing in years to come. By Matt Digney Law clerk at BridgehouseLaw LLP On Tuesday, May 21, 2019, at its annual meeting in Washington, the American Law Institute (ALI) chose…
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